
13 March 2011

Picnic and skating

Mirja made these in school.

Mirja is teaching Ronja to make cords too.

Today Mirja's class had a family meeting: picnic and skating.
The purpose was to get to know one another better
and do something fun together.

Not very many showed up, but those of us who did had a wonderful time.
The ice was in pretty bad shape, but that didn't slow down the smaller skaters.

My girls.

Ronja, 11 years old.

Mirja, 8 years old.

Alde was definitely the star of the show!
Everyone enjoyed playing with her.


  1. Frigid Delight!!! I sure hope warm weather comes soon to you all… I love get togethers!

  2. Thanks Marsha! Compared to the -25 C we had earlier in winter, the +2 C we had now didn't feel too bad with the right clothes on.


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